How can you not love a mashkow?!

By Richard Parker

So we all saw the portrait tattoo of singer / actress brandy that her brother, reality tv star ray j, got to honor her. most of us saw it on the shaderoom which is definitely the ‘culture’s’ social media news platform. Being a tattoo artist I realized not many people in the ‘culture’ understand much of anything that goes in the tattoo industry. the amount of disgust for ray j’s mashkow tattoo would’ve made any tattoo artist cringe. taking a step back i had to realize how unique mashkow’s style was and how to an untrained eye in the field, they’d be taken back too.

tmz was able to catch an impromptu interview of the singer / actress brandy, she shed some light on the recent backlash of their fans and showed that she did a little homework on the artist herself. unique mash up of a style yes, but the basquiat comparison - not quite it, but she tried. this is ray j’s second tattoo he’s gotten dedicated to his sister, and ms. brandy hinted at maybe next she’ll be next in the tattoo chair to honor him. we’ll see.


an industry revolutionist passes away at 78


You did the tattoo but I own the photograph! : Celebrity Tattoo artist under fire after photographer sues her for infringement of his photo referenced